英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-04 00:07:54

talk out of

英 [tɔ:k aut ɔv]

美 [tɔk aʊt ʌv]


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1. persuade someone not to do something

1. 说服(某人)放弃:talk into 说服(某人)做(某事) | talk out of 说服(某人)放弃 | talk over (反复)讨论,商量,商议

2. 说服某人不做:stand out 显眼;杰出 | talk...out of 说服某人不做 | try out 试验

3. talk out of

3. 劝阻, 说服某人不做某事:refrain from 抑制, 克制, 戒除 | talk out of 劝阻, 说服某人不做某事 | at rest 静止; 安眠

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

I don't want to talk to you any more, get out of my face.(我不想跟你说话,赶紧从我面前消失!)
"I want to talk to my wife," Donald Herbert said out of the blue.(“我想和我的妻子谈谈。”唐纳德·赫伯特突然说道。)
And you talk yourself out of God's vision, God's dream, God's destiny for your life time after time after time.(你在一次次谈论自己时,是否在站在神的角度,从神的梦想出发,按照神注定赐给你的生命那里来看呢?)
Find out and talk about the favorite kinds of movies.(找出并谈论最喜爱的电影种类。)
If you talk money too soon, you might accidentally price yourself out of a job.(如果你过早的谈论钱,你可能会不小心超过自己估量的工作要价。)
I sensed something was wrong, but others would always talk me out of it.(我感觉有些东西不对劲,但是其他人都劝我不要有这样的想法。)
It is infuriating to talk to someone who just looks out of the window.(和眼睛只看着窗外的人讲话很让人窝火。)
Not out of rage or to guilt or shame them. Just talk.(不要对他们发怒,也不要让他们觉得歉疚,就只是平心静气地谈心。)
He was funny as all get-out and could talk an owl out of a tree.(他极其有趣,一张巧嘴能把猫头鹰骗下树来。)
Never think that you can talk him out of the habit if he is addicted.(如果他上瘾了,千万不要认为你能说服他改掉这个习惯。)
talk out of是什么意思 talk out of在线翻译 talk out of什么意思 talk out of的意思 talk out of的翻译 talk out of的解释 talk out of的发音 talk out of的同义词